
The Artist Formerly Known As Valentine's Day: Vol. 1

9 am: Couples Counseling, where i played the role of wife married to husband with deep-rooted need for unconditional love; made difficult by a deep-rooted determination to never love unconditionally for fear of being taken-advantage of.

11 am: Interviewed a potential intern for the training program i am developing. The real gem here is when the student asked why I am a therapist, to which i replied something just about as charming as "I did not really pick therapy. Sometimes, therapy just picks you. i have tried not being a therapist, but it just keeps coming back to me." yep. i actually said that. really, as she left, i think we both knew i might not see her again. that perhaps she would like to be supervised by somebody whose reason for doing the job they are training her for is more complex than, “I am becoming a very good therapist.” i wouldn't blame her. I know we all have “those” moments. I just get bummed when they come at a time that actually matters.

1pm: Volunteered at the hospital and made a valentine for my man.

5pm: Picked up my man and scurried across town for a surprise massage at Indulgences Day Spa. I like surprises. And Day Spas. It was lovely. And very thoughtful and sweet of my man.

7pm: Now we are at Blockbuster. Sweet man offers up Marie Antoinette. To which I point out that he has no interest at all in this film. But he says he would do anything for love . . . even that. He suggests Season Two of Project Runway but after realizing that Tim Gunn might not be featured very much, we give it up. In the end we decide on a film with the charming Ryan Gosling. He plays a young man in the 1930's. He is a poet at heart but society sees him as nothing more than one of the rough neck mining kids. Except for of course the lovely Rachael McAdams. He sees her. She sees him. He convinces her that she is a tight-a**, and furthermore convinces her that in order to cure this, she should lay in the middle of a road and stare at the stoplights. And when her life is almost whisked away from her as a car plunders through, she doesn't proceed to kill him, but slow dance with him. Back in the middle of the street. What is wrong with this girl? She will never get admitted into Sarah Lawrence if she keeps behaving this way! They fall in love. Her parents tear them apart. He leaves for the war. She goes to school and falls in love with the right man this time. Cal. Who falls in love with Cal? In the end of course, the guy who deserves the girl gets the girl and we tear up a little bit and swoon. And then fall wildly into each other's arms. This last part was pretty awkward when the film was being shown in the theatres. But now that it can be rented . . .
But this is not the film we rented. We got that other Ryan Gosling film. You know, the one that was nominated for something on one of those awards shows? The one that nobody really recalls being in the theatre. Yeah. That one. About the charismatic teacher who speaks the language of his inner-city students . . . oh, and apparently smokes the crack pipe on a regular basis. It is one of those films where there are silences as long at 13-15 seconds. Sometimes longer. It makes me want to smoke a crack pipe. In the end, I don't.

So, his prize student finds out his secret. And apparently he finds out about a secret she has. But I never felt too clear about that. I fell asleep. But I did wake up in time to catch the girl picking her teacher up from a cheap motel after a binder and taking him home. Oh, and a very poor rendition of the "Interrupted Cow" joke. A real feel good movie.

At this point, I wandered upstairs and collapsed on my bed because apparently a massage, a slowly nursed glass of wine (oh wait, that was herb who slowly nursed his wine. i think i practically slammed mine. might be part of the problem), and a generally sensitive body don't go well together. And tiramisu. I really love tiramisu. And so i ate some. But I don't think it was all that useful. The reason I am saying this is because I actually heard ringing in my ears. I didn't know this actually happened to people. I thought it was an expression. For what? I am unsure. But there was ringing. And then a very strange and inexplicable mystery "white noise" and even though sweet herb humored me very well, it was clearly "my very own special noise".

So I slept.
Until I didn't.
That would be until about 3 am.
Because you see, I normally have a small white pill that tucks me into bed at night. But with the wine and tiramisu and whatever weird massage toxins where floating about . . . not to mention the inexplicable noises . . . i skipped the sleeping friend. It just seemed like if I took it, I might not wake up until next Tuesday.
So here I am.
At least it gives me a chance to do my 5 am blogging that I just love doing!

Hope you had a great day!

Who made YOU feel loved yesterday?

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Blogger Tony Gambee said...

Yesterday. It wasn't v-day here. we are leaving on vacation today, so I had a ton of work to get done before we left. I worked from 7:30 am - 10:30 pm. Oh and it was a snow day, so the kids were home, and Kelli was home, all day. This was good for Kelli to get the camper ready for the road trip. And good, cause we had family lunch and family dinner together.

But it wasn't v-day. partly because someone we knew wrote a blog about rescheduling it for a better date... and then renegged. And partly because of the crazy stress of getting my work done.

So at the end of the night. I appologized for the lack of romance, hid away my v-day card for another day, and put my arm around my princess in bed while we watched the daily show. By the way, the card is quite good, I'll use it on the right day.

So today, I will take a surprise to her school just to let her know I love her. And we will go on our trip where we will never be more than 20 feet from our kids and have no privacy for over a week.

And I'll have to save that card for longer than I want to.

6:06 AM, February 15, 2007  
Blogger cara harjes said...

just to clarify . . . and not seem like i am all talk . . . we actually canceled valentine's day begining NEXT year. i think things were a little too gritty to NOT do it this year. and as for your card . . . i am all about giving herb card's later. sometimes "the day" isn't actually the right day. so all sorts of birthday and anniversary cards have the text scrawled out and replaced with what we are really celebrating that day! :) have a great time with the kids and kelli on your trip! you are a good husband and daddy! oh, and i never responded to everyones comments about my post regarding kids . . . we actually have every intention and desire of having them! just not right NOW. :) can't wait for someday. it will be a little sweeter in a year or two than it could be right now. we are late bloomers, what can i say.

8:57 AM, February 15, 2007  
Blogger denverherbie said...

WOW sweetie, you had all that bloggyness in you at 4:45 this morning. Impressive. I should have Tivo'ed "That thing you do" for you when Monty's cat (he drove over after you went to bed) and I were watching it last night so at least you would have had some decent TV to watch.

11:22 AM, February 15, 2007  
Blogger bansheewigs said...

ok, this whole thing explains so much! the cat being totally MIA, no gas in my car this morning, cara commenting on my blog at 5am, etc. etc.

1:53 PM, February 15, 2007  
Blogger travis said...

does your husband have a blogger address, but no actual blogger site???

2:43 PM, February 15, 2007  
Blogger cara harjes said...

yes, he is just signed up so he can leave comments. but no blog. i think he used to have one for a group he led and just uses that. but the sight is not active anymore.

3:00 PM, February 15, 2007  

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