
aNd thE wiNeER iS . . .

so here's the thing:
my random number generator wouldn't work.
he only generated names.
and he wasn't random.
so erin, that means your bike name,
was herb's favorite!

it took some thinking . . .
the perfect gift for the give away.

for awhile, i was going to do a truck stop gift bag
but that got old after awhile.
and really, how do you box up a turquoise cow girl hat?

i looked for cool island souveniers
and island-y coffee mugs.
i even considered doing a t-shirt
but i knew that it was no longer 1987
and that a t-shirt with a sea shell embroidered on it
would not be considered "happy mail"
but rather, "where in the world do i put THIS?" mail.

but then i remember this book.

herb and i started reading it together this spring.
we have yet to finish, but so far, it is thought provoking and funny.
it sort of fits.
the authors ate, for a year, only foods that came from 100 miles or less of their home.
and the coolest?
they live up in this part of the world.
(though technically, they are in another country.
but then again, if you go to the north side of the island,
you can see canada.
so there you go)

it fit with the bike give away - and the strides we are all making
to leave a lighter footprint behind.
it fit with the fact that i am cooking like a madman these days
and thinking a lot more about food and body.

so, erin h., if you are out there, email me with your address and this bad boy
(and maybe a little something i found at a truck stop in wyoming)
will be on its way to your home!

thanks for playing, everyone!


about that bike give-away

yes yes!
it is coming!
the drawing!
the prize!
it is all coming.

but here is the thing:
i have not found the right prize yet!
maybe i will draw the name first
and then i will feel inspired as to the prize.

thanks for being patient.

and come back soon to check!


we be out

are out of here!!!

come check out our new blog for pictures, stories, and updates (and maybe even a video or two) during the next seven weeks!
i think i will still be posting here as well, so come back soon!

over and out!


***name-the-bike give away***

last week i bought a new bike for our trip to orcas island. we leave in three days and i think this sweet thing needs a name before we go.
i tell you what, leave an idea in the comment section and i will draw a reader's name when we arrive "on island" on friday.
the winner will receive something from our road trip!



as part of my summer writing sabatical, i will be documenting my observations of an old question:
do blonds REALLY have more fun?

i started coloring my hair at the age of 29 - and even then, I went DARKER.
so this is a huge deal for me.


2 weeks from ***ToDAy***

boxes will be packed and shipped.
road trip snacks will be purchased.
bikes will be snug on the back of the mini.

. . . and we (me, my man, and my new holga camera) will be on our way to Orcas Island, WA for six weeks!!!