
Mad Hot

This movie leaves me with one question . . .
"Herb, will you dance with me?"

It's stuff like this . . .

and this . . .

and . . .
an eleven year old girl named Emma who says things like "It has been scientifically founded that women are superior creatures to men. That is clear!" and "Studies show that eleven year old girls are the primary target for kidnapping . . . you know - kidnapping. Those sickos that LIKE little girls!?!?!?" . . . .

that give me cause to throw up two big thumbs up (or in the words of my husband, two big"Schwap Daddies" . . . he told me today that he made this phrase up to go with a thumbs up. He is currently beta testing it for coolness) to this sweet little documentary . . .

Other favorite documentaries . . .

Born into Brothels
Super Size Me

What are your suggestions? I would love to incorporate more docs into my life.

Big grin and Schwap Daddy!

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Blogger bansheewigs said...

i LOVED this documentary!!!! I saw it a few weeks ago, and i must say i was so impressed with the kids mad dance skillz, word. laughed hard, too. i love it when boys and girls talk about their crushes. it's very encouraging.

check out these on netflix:
Word Wars (doc on scrabble)
Natural History of the Chicken
Hands on a Hard Body (this is not a porn)

2:52 PM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger bansheewigs said...

natural history of the chicken!

i own the HOAHB doc, if you're interested in borrowing it sometime.

what about the hot dog doc by pbs. it's a must see and you watch eat while eating a hot dog.

2:06 PM, April 26, 2006  
Blogger Esue said...

Hands on a Hard Body...YES!!!

And I'm a fan of the Michael Moore films...whether you like him or not, the films are an interesting watch.

Murderball is a must-see as well as Invisible Children. The latter is disturbing, but it is truth, and therefore should be seen.

5:16 PM, April 26, 2006  
Blogger cara harjes said...

wowza. now i have a great list. thanks!

i also forgot how many i have already seen.
the chicken documentary is very good. and weird.

couldn't get into murderball. i think the only person in the nation who didn't dig it.

Step Into Liquid made me want to be so much cooler than i will ever be. so great!

2:50 PM, April 27, 2006  
Blogger cara harjes said...

i love any movie (documentary or otherwise) that depicts community in a way i will never engage in community - but truly admire the stories of the ways other people enter into community with other humans. hence my love for war and sports movies.

2:52 PM, April 27, 2006  
Blogger hintofdisaster said...

I've been wanting to see Hands on a Hard Body, Spellbound and Murderball, as well as Fog of War. Really I'm interested in any Errol Morris doc.

"The Cruise" was a really great doc about a guy who does unconventional double-decker bus tours of New York.

"Hype" was a decent doc on Seattle music.

I can't believe no one's mentioned "American Movie" yet.

11:27 AM, April 28, 2006  

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