

by now, most of you have probably seen this video.
and while i love sharing it
and had an amazing time making it,
that is not what this post is really about.

i wanted to share about two fabulous websites
that this little video has had the honor
of being featured on lately.
there are so many rockin' women out there in blogland
and they are doing amazing things!

the art is found
every other week,
the uber impressive,
SIXTEEN year old
kara and her awesome team of artists
post a piece of inspiration
for artists to take and run with.
they are cool.
this girl is amazing and i can't wait to see
what she is doing in 10 years from now!

and then you must go check out voca femina.
a friend of mine turned me on to this local group
of colorado gals who are going to spread like
wildfire on the web!
they are all about giving women a place to share their
writing and artwork!
please, go check out what they are doing
and leave them some big time love!
if you really like what they are doing,
tell your friends!
anyone out there who has ever started a blog
knows that especially at the beginning,
you want to know if people are tuning in!

thanks, to these two blogs for allowing me
to contribute to the conversation
of art and beauty.

enjoy the week!

PS - don't forget to leave a comment on the new blog
for a chance to win a great book on marriage!
i mean, even if you aren't married,
it makes a great gift.
or paper weight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:53 AM, February 18, 2009  
Blogger kathyescobar said...

cara, thanks for the voca femina love! it is so beautiful to see women risking, creating, using their voice!

10:58 PM, March 02, 2009  

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